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Talking Europe with Michael Köhler, Acting Director-General of DG ECHO
ADF interview with Michael KÖHLER from DG ECHO
Press Conference by Deputy Director-General ECHO Michael A. Koehler _29 March 2023
Frankly Speaking | S4 E3 | Michael Koehler, Deputy DG - EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid
Michael Köhler
2023 European Humanitarian Forum Video 1 by DG ECHO
#CHA22 Keynote & Opening panel: Do we need a Humanitarian Zeitenwende in Europe? [English]
#CHA22 Keynote & Opening panel: Do we need a Humanitarian Zeitenwende in Europe? [German/English]
Out of the Box: Strategy Snacks 2
ADF Panel 1: Future Prospects of the European Humanitarian System and the Architecture of ODA
#CHATripleNexus Conference - 08 - Triple Nexus and Donor Policies (Panel Discussion)